Better Business Analysis offers a range of practical skills training for business analysts and other change professionals.

Process modelling
Modelling business processes is a key business analysis skill. I provide training in how to apply the BPMN modelling standard to effectively capture complex process logic in an elegant way.
Information modelling
Information modelling is used by BAs to identify system requirements, revealing the connections between entities, their attributes, and the rules that govern their connections. Better Business Analysis offers training on how to create Entity Relationship Diagrams and UML Class Diagrams, as well as how to use these in requirements definition activity.
Requirements definition
Better Business Analysis can eliciting and analysing requirements in readiness for systems development or procurement. I can show you how to deploy techniques and methods such as use case diagrams and user stories in different project and product contexts.
Identifying efficiency opportunities
Minimising waste to reduce costs and increase efficiency and effectiveness is essential for any organisation. Better Business Analysis can show you how to identify different forms of waste using LEAN categories, and how to build a plan to address these.
Business case development
Business analysts help organisations decide on which changes and solutions to pursue, and formulating a sound business case is an essential skill. Better Business Analysis can show you how to construct a holistic, reliable business case, including investment appraisal and feasibility assessment, as well as guidance on presenting to senior decision-makers.
Value proposition development
I can teach you how to analyse customers’ needs and shape products and services to meet these using the Value Proposition Canvas.
Creative thinking
Business analysts help organisations identify potential solutions to business problems; Better Business Analysis can equip you with a range of fun and interactive creative thinking techniques you use with stakeholders to generate plenty of ideas.
Strategy analysis
BAs frequently need to analyse and articulate the organisation’s strategic goals and intention, as these inform decision-making around transformational change and product/service development. Better Business Analysis offers training in a range of strategy analysis techniques (including SWOT, PESTLE, and many more!) and how to deploy these to unlock insights and opportunities.

Training is tailored to your needs
Better Business Analysis can provide online or classroom training. Course content and duration can be shaped around your team’s specific needs. Please get in touch to discuss what you’re looking to achieve.