I’d like to tell you a little about the core values that underpin this company. When choosing whether to use Better Business Analysis, it’s important you feel confident you’ve found a good match with your organisation’s own ethos.

Doing right by people
As Better Business Analysis helps you achieve your organisation’s goals, I will always seek to ensure that customers and workers are treated fairly and with respect. This includes a focus on wide engagement, clear communication, and maximising transparency, as well as ensuring the impacts of change are understood and managed sensitively. This means doing change with people, rather than doing change to them.
Change for good
Reducing costs and maximising revenue are key drivers for many organisations, but they aren’t what gets me up in the morning!
Better Business Analysis will always seek out ways to create better outcomes for customers, make work less stressful and more rewarding for people, reduce environmental and social harms, and improve organisational governance and resilience.
I want to work with businesses that will invest in long-term goods in favour of short-term profits.
Seeing the big picture
While most large changes in organisations involve IT systems, I believe there’s a lot more to it. Business analysis activity should look at the wider context too, including processes, organisational structure, management, culture, and risk. Changes should flow from strategic goals and stakeholder needs.
Business analysts unlock more value when looking at the big picture.